Tales of the Unity Sphere is a collection of science-fiction military/adventure stories set in the milieu of the Unity Sphere, a young alliance of alien species with shared interests banding together for mutual security and success.
Humans, byveri, and kavax live and work on many colonized planets, under the patient auspices of the technologically advanced Sha-Ho. But elements within the Sphere do not appreciate this new way. From human and kavax pirates to byveri crime syndicates, the Unity Sphere is under constant and deadly assault, but with each year, its existence solidifies and the path back to the dark days of piracy, rampant corruption and crime, and frightened populations grows more distant.
Follow Tac-team Captain Axel Fargo and Major Westyr Shelhou in their fight against the destructive intentions of Master Chaotist Hetz, his loyal kavax pilot, Brayn and the Salzar Alliance. With more stories to come!